Tuesday, February 9, 2021


A pictorial illustration of the Kingdom                               of God

What makes a kingdom what it is?

A kingdom is characterized by the specific way of life by which its people are known.

A kingdom is as good as the mindset of the people in it, their way of reasoning and doing things.

Every kingdom has its uniqueness and a common factor that distinguishes it from every other kingdom.

This could be in the language that they speak, their character, behavior, commerce, religion, culture, tradition e.t.c

The king of every kingdom is the leader and is also that one person who has a strong orientation of the ways of the kingdom, both in knowledge and in habit, and seeks to perpetuate it.

Therefore, a kingdom is more of the intangible aspects of its uniqueness.

It is this intangible aspects of its uniqueness that supports and upholds the tangible aspects of its uniqueness.

The intangible aspects of a kingdom 's uniqueness is basically the mindset of its habitants which influences why they are the way they are.

This mindset is reflected on why they speak the way they speak, dress the way they dress, eat what they eat, behave the way they behave and believe in what they believe in..

It is not actually the buildings and structures of a kingdom that makes a kingdom what it is, it is first, the mindset of its inhabitants which influences their way of doing things, that makes a kingdom what it is.

A kingdom is only as good as the mindset of its people just like a country is only as good as the mindset of its citizens.

Therefore a kingdom can be perceived through the character, behavior, habits or mannerisms of someone/people from it.

The kingdom of God can be seen here on Earth through the manifestation of the things that the people of heaven are known for.

According to the Ron Kelony 's song, the kingdom of God is made of these three core characteristics:

Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy ghost.

This means that you needn't die and go to heaven before you can see the kingdom of God.

Here on Earth, when you begin to see, perceive and even express abilities that the people of heaven are known for, you will have seen the kingdom of God to a degree.

Not just righteousness, peace and joy in the holy ghost but also having the mindset of Jesus Christ, seeing things the way he would have seen them, doing things the way he would have done them, knowing God and living a reality of everything ever preached in church.

You see a degree of the kingdom of God when you have believed in God truly and genuinely.

When your faith in God is not just something that is in your heart or mind but a reality that defends itself through manifestations. 

By manifestations, i mean, the real power of God working in your life, on your life and through you because you truly believe.

When you truly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross of Calvary, and that when he died , we died with him, we (our former old selves) died with him, our sinful nature and abilities nailed to the cross and that when he rose, we rose with him yet not the old us anymore, but him now in us, when we believe that we are seated at the right hand of the Father Almighty, and that we reign with him from there, when we really believe this, a power to live in the reality of what Jesus Christ has done for us is activated.

This is the true rebirth in Jesus Christ and it is in this rebirth that we see the kingdom of God starting from here on Earth to heaven when we will transit to glory.

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