Monday, April 19, 2021

Secrecy, A Close Companion of Sin

                        A dark room

If I were to recount the times when I deliberately committed a sin, whether it was a sinful manner of thought, speech or action, I recall correctly that what made me bold enough to 'go on' was the assurance that no one knows.

I believed that no one could hear me, of course, except God...but the point is, I was more convinced to carry on with what I wanted to do because no human being could see me.

I thought sinful thoughts of bitterness,anger, hatred, envy, jealousy and lewdness boldly and confidently because I was convinced that no human being could hear my thoughts.

So , I enjoyed the secrecy therein and the way it oiled the wheels of my sinful deeds.

When I was saying hurtful things silently to only my hearing or maybe to the hearing of my confidant, it was because no one else could hear us and when I did bad things, I was eager to 'get it over it' because I believed no one was looking.

So, you see... Secrecy greatly aids the engineering of sin, iniquity, atrocity e.t.c

What if our thoughts were loud enough for everyone to hear from anywhere, if our words were clear enough for anyone to hear from anywhere and if our actions was visible on a world-wide CCTV camera? , I bet you that we wouldn't have done, said or thought some sinful things we did, said or thought.

Do you know why we fear the people around us more than we fear God?

Of course, that is what is happening, we fear the people around us more than we fear God.

We value their opinion more than the opinion of God.

Seek their approval more than we seek the approval of God and worry about what they will say, think or do more than we worry about what God will say, think or do.

The reason why this is the case among most of us is because we have not given God His rightful place in our lives.

You may think you have but it is most likely that you have not.

You don't think so? Ok, try this litmus test:

Can you perceive God in a real, close way, so real that the connection is stronger and deeper than the connection you have with your closest companion?

Do you feel God so strong that it is as if you can almost touch Him?

Me first! No, I don't and I bet I am not alone on this.

So, you see?! We have a long way to go.

If the connection that we have with God was stronger than the connection that we have with people, we would worry more about what God would say, think or do.

We will be more worried if God can see us.

Moreso, we will be ever conscious of His eyes , His ears and His presence, how He can hear our thoughts, the things we say in secret or in the dark or when no human being can see us, how He sees everything we do, everything..

Secrecy is a close companion of sin. That is why it is only in the confession of our sins do we  give them up with all their burden and bondage.

And then we are set free when we do not hide our iniquity but confess to one another and to our God.

It is well in Jesus name, amen.

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