Friday, October 1, 2021

The He Who Is Jesus

      An image representing Jesus Christ

Science seeks answers, so does human beings. Science probes into the unknown and gets trapped at some point where it cannot explain some phenomenon. Human beings also have a lot of questions and desires. They want something or someone who would fill an ever-gaping void within them, to pacify a longing within them. Why is it that the whole world seems to be caught up in some kind of chase? We seem to never get enough of anything. We want knowledge, power, pleasure and satisfaction. When we do get these things, we are still not filled up. 

What then is the solution to this unending hunger and thirst in us? What is the answer to all our questions and concerns?
Jesus said that he is 'He'. We notice that whenever God wants to talk about Himself or whenever Jesus wants to talk about Himself, they present themselves as the answer to a long sought solution. The missing piece of a huge puzzle. An explanation that makes it all clear and understandable. The home we have been looking for.

 Jesus Christ is The Word that was with God in the beginning. He was The Word with God and was God. He is the very substance by which all things were created and He is the binding force by which everything created stays in place. When things go wrong, when we need a friend, when we feel lonely and we long for an ideal person who would meet our every need, there and then, we are unknowingly longing for Jesus Christ. The perfect job, husband, wife, child, relationship e.t.c is all hidden in Jesus Christ.

Everything good is already in Jesus Christ. He is the best form of anything good in this world. In order to know true peace, love and satisfaction, we have to turn to Jesus Christ first. He is the one to give us the peace we have been seeking in other things, the companionship, the love e.t.c. it is all in Jesus. In terms of spirituality, He is the most powerful force in the whole universe and of the highest rank. Other forces know who He is and the power He bears. They also know the authority He represents.

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