A woman smiling in the daytime
A doer of the truth is a person who does what he or she hears and accepts from the word of God. This person is not a romantic believer of Jesus Christ who feels good, solemn, sober and convinced when he or she hears the word of God. It is not about having mushy feelings that will wear off within minutes or hours. A doer of the truth has the word of God rooted in his or her heart and diluted into the spirit man. The word of God they have heard has become part of them that they even talk about it in their sleep. They talk about it in their dreams. The word of God has permeated their souls and minds. It has made an indelible mark on them.
A person who is impacted and affected by the word of God in this manner , is a person whose heart the Holy Spirit has softened. The Holy Spirit has made this person's heart soft, fertile and ready to receive the word of God. Immediately the word of God is preached and this hearer hears it, a seed is dropped on the soil of this person's heart which takes root and starts growing.
Appearances can be deceitful and it is possible for a person to be a hypocrite, pretending and acting all good but the real test is what a person does when no one is looking.What that person does when no one knows, is the real test.
A doer of the truth is not secretive. He or she is straightforward, bold, fearless, transparent and has nothing to hide. A doer of the truth is not one thing when everyone is watching and then, another thing when no one is looking. He or she is the same, day or night. They boldly walk into the light, in front of everyone because they have nothing to hide. They don't sneak around, dodge or zap. They are genuine and authentic.
If you are living a dubious lifestyle, your favorite time of the day will be the night time. Why is this? This is because you will be hiding from someone or you will be making plans of doing a lot of bad stuff in secret. You do not want to be seen or you do not want someone that knows you to see you. This is because you know that your deeds, what you are thinking, saying or doing is not right, so you avoid the light.
The light represents an openness which exposes you for all eyes to see you as you are. If you have nothing to hide, you will not be afraid of the light. The light could be answering a particular phone call, going to meet a particular group of people, getting involved in some activity, saying the truth, owning up to something you have done, doing the right thing or simply taking responsibility. Being accountable, genuine, of integrity and truthful. Not two faced or conniving at all but honest at all times and places.
Jesus said,"He who is faithful in a very little [thing] is faithful also in much, and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little [thing] is dishonest and unjust also in much.
Therefore if you have not been faithful in the [case of] unrighteous mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions), who will entrust to you the true riches?
And if you have not proved faithful in that which belongs to another [whether God or man], who will give you that which is your own [that is, the true riches]?"
Some people see integrity as being stupid, dull or dumb but it is a priceless virtue. Money cannot buy it. If you do not have integrity, you do not have it. A person of integrity has a track record of the good things he or she is known for. It is true that nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes but if integrity is a dominant trait in your life, you are good to go. Your past deeds will vouch for you. People who know you will speak for you making you credible to others who might not know you at all.
A doer of the truth is trustworthy and trust is one thing everyone is looking for in resumes, proposals, statements and many other opportunities. Every benefactor, employer or philanthropist wants to know if you are trustworthy, if you are authentic, if you are genuine. How does he or she do this? By requesting that you present or submit letters of recommendations, identifications, evidence of past/present sponsorships, endorsements, licenses, patents, trademarks, certifications, awards or other achievements. This is how they get an insight into the content of your character.
The Bible teaches us and admonishes us to be not just hearers of the word but also doers. If you have read the above paragraphs well, you will realize that being honest is not just for other people but also for yourself too. You are the one who benefits more when you are a doer of the truth. You will harvest plenty of your good deeds. It is all for your own good. Someone else may benefit from your honesty on the short term but on the long term, you will come to understand that you were doing it all for yourself.
Proverbs 22:1 -"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold."
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