Wednesday, June 23, 2021

God and man

               Two women laughing out loud

During our sojourn here on Earth, we do not live for ourselves alone. We came here for God and for man. We cannot live our lives here fully and efficiently without God and our fellow men. We are destined by the Creator to live and lead relational lives. Man is no island, in other words, every action of man resonates and reverberates towards, first, God and then, his fellow man.

An average human being makes decisions before taking any action. There is always a point where the individual gets to decide to take a particular action. This decision making process is driven by the person's most pressing desires and cravings. At the end of the day, whatever choice the person makes, has consequences. These consequences affects mostly the decision maker and then, people around him.

In one way or the other, people and God respond to every choice we make. They respond by the way they are affected by our choices and by the way they feel about our choices. For example, God is Almighty, this we know so well but He is the overseer of all the ways of men. There is a way He intends for us to live, not necessarily because He is God and He has got rules in place but because His commandments are for our own good.

When God was writing His commandments and forbidding men from doing certain things, He did this because He had already seen where we would end up if we disobeyed Him. He was protecting us by giving us a safety manual in the form of His word and His will. This is to help us sail through the river of life without getting hurt.

You may ask, "why does God get angry when people sin?". The anger of God is like that of a father towards his disobedient, little, naughty child. Beneath that anger is love and great concern for your well being. God loves us all so much. He has feelings too and is saddened to see us go astray. Our sinfulness cannot take away His godship but He still cannot turn a blind eye to us. He cares about what we do and how we fare because He loves us. This is how God is affected by our actions. We owe Him a great deal of love, acknowledgement and respect. We should know that this old man up there does not want to be worried about us and as mature children of God that we are, we should not give Him reason to be worried by the way we live and the things we do. He sees it all, everything. This world is like a play set in front of Him, He can do anything to the storyline. We do not also live in isolation from our fellow human being. Be they blood relations or total strangers, we owe one another some level of regard. You cannot do just anything you want to do and not care about how the other person is affected. You really have to care because when you care, you do good to yourself and to people around you too.

 If you live in a bad way, do bad stuff and act so rebelliously, you will be hurting other people and also destroying yourself. So, you see...when you regard God and man in your way of life, considering how they will feel or be affected by your actions, you will be able to make better choices.It will make you a better person, someone who lives not just for his or herself but for God and man.

If you choose to think about how other people will be affected by your desires and choices, if you choose to think about how God will react to the decisions you want to make, then you will be able to do things in a way that everybody wins.

You win, God is happy and people are blessed by your life. What's in it for you? You will be blessed by your goodness in many beautiful and amazing ways.

If I choose to be a rebellious, spoiled adult who lives in her own world and does whatever she wants. I don't care about anyone, I do whatever I want. Do you know what will happen? I will die alone, with nothing good to remember me for and fast forgotten. People will be pleased that I am finally out of their lives for good. More like, good riddance!

How will people know you came? How will the world know that you walked the surface of this Earth if you live like you don't care about anyone else but yourself? What will you be remembered for? Who will sing your name if you touched no life?

No one.

We are here for all of us and God. We came to the world to bring our uniqueness to it, make it a better place in every way we can and leave it with our flag hoisted on our mark, showing that we came. 

Lead a more meaningful life, it is not all about money, fame, power or popularity. At the peak of all this, if no one's life is made better by you, you will not be fulfilled. You will feel so empty.

True fulfillment is not necessarily when you land a huge success. It lies in daily, little acts of kindness. Who have you consoled today? Who smiled because of something you did or said? Where is your light? How much sunshine do you spread around you? I know some people see an all time jolly fellow as an unrealistic situation but happiness is free. You can create it and you can spread it all around.

What would you rather do? The choice is up to you

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